Sandown Scientific acts as representatives and distributors in Europe for the following companies:
Med Associates Inc, USA
San Diego Instruments, USA
Viewpoint, France
Braintree Scientific, USA
PJ Noyes, USA
Unimecanique, France
Primate Products, USA
Ugo Basile, Italy
Startle Response Systems
Pictured below is the most widely used Startle System. The basic SR-LAB hardware and software puts all startle reflex designs at the user's command - the system will support up to eight test stations and provide almost any conceivable combination of stimuli.
Acoustic Startle Reflex
Startle Habituation
Prepulse Inhibition
Gap Detection
Tactile Reflex
Potentiated Startle
Cross-modal Prepulse Inhibition
Latin Square Presentation of Trials
Foot Shock Startle of Prepulse Stimuli

Activity Systems
Systems for Every Need
Cage Rack · Open Field · Flex-Field · Figure 8 · Rotometer
All systems have full Photobeam Activity System features including:
Menu Driven Software - "user friendly" operation.
Full Diagnostics - quick and thorough photobeam check.
Encrypted Original Data Files for GLP data security.
Single Key Selections produce Formatted Reports and Transfer Files in Text Format.
Operant Test Chambers
Modular Operant Test Chamber with Modified Top
This unit is the preferred unit for rodent studies using drug self administration. The working height has been reduced to 8 ¼" (21 cm) to allow sufficient space for a drug delivery swivel and counter balance arm when placed in a sound attenuating cubicle. The top has been modified by adding a 2" (5.1cm) diameter hole in the center of the top with a ¼" (6.4mm) access slot cut from the hole to the front edge. This permits the user to place an animal in the test chamber with a drug delivery leash or other harness system attached. All other features of this chamber are identical to the ENV-007 Modular Test Chamber.
Videotrack System
Automated analysis system for behavioural studies on rats and mice
Test performed with the VIDEOTRACK system
The system easily automates most tests based on locomotive activity:
Open field in standard lighting, infra red
Radial Mazes
Plus Elevated Maze
Place Preference
E water Maze
Multiple T Maze
Black on White box
Water mazes (MORRIS water maze)
As an option the system is also able to automate tests in which the animal does move significantly in the cage:
Despair or swimming test
Hanging by tail
With the use of cameras sensitive to near infra-red, you may also consider applications in Chronobiology or Actimetry in conditions of light and pseudo-darkness over long periods of time.
Open Field Activity
Select from two standard field sizes or contact us for custom made units.
Additional test stations are easily attached to the network and to the power supply.
Standard data elements include times resting, ambulatory, rearing, and stereotypic, incremental counts for appropriate measure, and distance travelled.
Measurements may be taken in a continuous test session or as small samples repeated at a preset interval.
All components available individually to meet custom applications.